Holiday Wellness Survival Guide


Holiday Wellness Survival Guide

It’s the most wonderful time of the year -- the holiday season!  I think I just merged two holiday songs there. While I absolutely love this time of year, it certainly doesn’t come without stress and some extra feelings of anxiety.  What typically coincides with all these holiday warm and fuzzies is lots of unhealthy eating, boozing, lack of adhering to your normal scheduled, and that firey feeling of the credit card burning up.  Unfortunately, all said scenarios are massive anxiety triggers - whether you have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder or not!  

Listen, I’m all about living your best life, but I’ve also learned over the years that if I take the YOLO-ing a tad too far my mental and physical health can pay for it for days after the holiday season.  In fact, last year I had a panic attack before Christmas even started (story here), and learned from that experience that having a wellness kit as you navigate this season is of the utmost important. While there is no time like the holiday season to enjoy yourself, there are some wellness actions you can take to keep your mental and physical health on track! 

Hello, Boundaries

“Nicole - how’s your job, how’s Chicago, are you dating anyone, when are you having babies?”  While internally I’d like to respond with a big “asdfasdfasf,” I’ve found over the years the key to patience is setting some boundaries and tuning out the big voice in your head that wants you to feel weird for not being in a certain place when you’re asked these questions.  My suggestion is to be polite, concise, straight to the point, and quickly steer the conversation elsewhere. Or you can just perhaps run from the relatives who usually come in hot. Whatever you fancy. In fact, this meme really speaks to me on a personal level.

Food & Drink Hacks

There is no one who likes indulging in decadent food and drink quite like myself. And you bet your ass that I’m not going to restrict myself at Thanksgiving (hello sides!) or Christmas.  Hate to be the bearer of bad news yet again, but sugar and alcohol are included in that bummer C.A.T.S. trifecta (caffeine/alcohol/tobacco/sugar) that send anxiety off the edge. While I’m not going to necessarily limit myself of the goods, I am going to be conscious of the amounts of consumption, be sure to hydrate, and carry all my elixirs with me at all times.  Some of favorite hacks are: amping up the probiotics, Apple Cider Vinegar shots, Liquid IV, Flow Water, and Natural Calm (all found here) to counteract any dehydration or wacky side effects of overindulgence.  

Take Some Time to Zen

The holidays are go, go, go.  There are things to do and people to see, some of which you only see this time of year.  Your alone time will certainly be limited, and you will be doing A LOT of socializing. I’m getting kind of tired just thinking about it.  While your routine will be out of whack it’s crucial to make time for things that make you zen out. Taking 10 minutes before bed for that meditation, doing some breathing exercises while you have a minute to yourself in the bathroom, or squeezing in a 30 minute at home workout (one of my favorites here!) may seem minimal but it will help leaps and bounds.  Trust me on that.

Be Self Aware 

Needless to say, there’s pressure during the holiday season to be present and “on”. But you must listen to your body and be in tune with what it is telling you.  It’s tempting to ignore and keep pushing, don’t I know it. But a crash and burn is sure to follow...and we can’t have that. If you are feeling extra tired, extra anxious, or extra anything - stop, drop and roll. (Yeah, just like putting out a fire.)  For real though, take a breather! Excuse yourself, leave early, take that nap. Do you and don’t feel guilty about it.

The holidays are a lot and can be totally crushing on your anxiety. But if you are conscious of the choices and actions you take, you can still navigate the holidays to the fullest.  ...And to all a goodnight.


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