Why Does My Anxiety Get Worse When I'm Sick?

Last month, while I was getting all riled up with my 2020 visions (see what I did there?), a virus that only Satan could conjure found me (and no, it wasn't Coronavirus...I don' think.  Not only did it completely rock me physically, but I actually had some of my worst anxiety days that I’ve had in awhile. Now that I’m on the up and up, a big question I’ve been considering is why must my anxiety completely spiral while I’m already physically unwell?  

Why Does My Anxiety Get Worse When I'm Sick?

I find it incredibly rude that anxiety decides to come in hot while I’m physically unwell and couch ridden.  Not to mention, anxiety exacerbates any and all physical symptoms, and also pulls some random ones out of left field that weren’t even there (hello, nausea ).  There actually are some medical opinions on this. According to Dr. Brad Mkay, viruses cause the body to start producing inflammatory proteins called cytokines which help to fight off infection, but also makes you feel awful in the meantime.  Cytokines can cause inflammation around the brain, causing clouded thinking, poor concentration, and can even feelings of depression. Bingo. MD or not, I’ve come to some conclusions on my own.

Full-blown Satan Virus or not, when my body feels slightly off, especially without cause, my brain tends to go into worst-case scenario drama mode.  Instantly there is a feeling of panic because the fight or flight is triggered likely due to my annoyingly hyperactive amygdala, telling me that I am not safe and something is wrong.  Now that my brain is telling my body (or vice versa?) that I am not safe, here come the questions: Is this something worse than just a viral infection? Will I ever feel better? Should I Google my symptoms?  Oh shit, I Googled my symptoms, should I go see a doctor? Ok, I’ll go to Urgent Care. It’s been a day, I have a new symptom, I’m just going to run to Urgent Care again. And full spiral ensues.  

Also, we all know by now how feeling in control helps keep my anxiety at bay. 

Whenever I have a slight tinge of feeling out of control in my life, that heart starts racing and anxiety symptoms ensue.  Getting sick is such a perfect example of this. Your body is literally saying no, girl. And disrupting you from your day-to-day, in addition to making you feel terrible while it’s at it.  You are at the beckon call of your body, and you must give in to rest until further notice. You are fully out of your routine that your anxiety has become oh so comfortable with.

There’s also the pressure from still having to be an adult while being sick. The glorious days of being sick at home with your parents to take care of you are far, far gone.  Once I spend a few days holed up at home, I actually get really anxious to have to leave and go back to work to face the world. My brain thinks I’m safest at home. And it gets very comfortable when my body is unwell and on the couch!  When I have a panic attack, where do I want to be? Home! Taking care of myself and ultimately getting myself back into my routine after being sick causes my anxiety to go haywire.  

I spent many days while I was sick consulting with my anxious friends and asking them this very same question -- why must anxiety get worse when I’m sick?  As per usual, asking that question made me realize that they too also experience extra feelings of anxiousness while sick. So, whatever the answer may be, at least we are not alone. They always remind me that it will pass -- and it did!


I have Anxiety and I got Coronavirus


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