5 Ways to Keep Mentally and Physically Cool in the Summer


Summer hater, over here.  Kidding, I don’t hate summer, I’m not a monster… but, it’s not the best season for my anxiety.  I’m very sensitive to heat (and well, a lot of things) and have never been able to spend an extended amount of time sitting outside in high temperatures.  It’s uncomfortable and makes me feel “off.” It has always exasperated my anxiety, but when I developed a panic disorder, heat became an even bigger trigger for all things anxiety disorder.

Medically speaking, there is a small part of your brain called the hypothalamus that regulates your body temperature, most commonly by sending signals to the skin to produce sweat.  When we sweat, it eventually evaporates off our skin causing us to cool down (the body, whoa). But guess what?  Sweating is a sign of anxiety. As is weakness, increased heart rate, dizziness and nausea...which are all conveniently symptoms of heat intolerance as well.  Basically, sensitivity to heat and panic attacks mirror the same symptoms. And don’t even get me started on how claustrophobic I feel in high humidity.  

Heat Anxiety and How to Keep Cool in the Summer

If heat makes you panicky like me, here are a few ways to keep yourself cool - both mentally, and physically on those dog days of summer.

Cold Compress or Ice on a Pressure Point

Your pressure points release heat quicker than other places in your body (hello, acupuncture!) because the blood vessels are closer to the surface of the skin.  Apply an ice pack or cold compress to pressure points such as your wrists, back of neck, or temples for a quicker cool down.

Yoga Breathing

Sitali breath, in particular, has a cooling effect on the body.  Here’s how to do it: stick your tongue out and roll the outer edges of your together like a hot dog bun.  Take a slow inhalation through your rolled tongue for 3 counts. Hold the breath for one count. Bring your tongue back in and close your mouth.  Exhale out of your nose slowly for at least 3 counts. Repeat this at least 10 times, but the more times the better.  

Stay Hydrated

Captain obvious, but this is one of the most effective ways to keep yourself cool in the summer.  And no, I don’t mean ice cold margaritas - but how good does that taste on a warm summer day? Anyway, besides your standard 8 glasses of water a day, it’s important to stay hydrated with electrolytes, for example from coconut water, or even cooling foods.  Cooling foods are water-based, such as watermelon, cucumber, celery, and berries and help with hydration.  If you did take down too many of those margaritas, a drink supplement like Liquid I.V. provides fast hydration.  

Dress Down

I love jeans more than most things (well, not sweatpants), but they are a hot summer’s day worst nightmare due to denim’s heavy makeup and lack of breathability.  In order to stay cool, stick with moisture-wicking clothing like your workout clothes, or fabrics such as cotton and linen that promote breathability. Goodbye claustrophobia.     

Peppermint Oil

Have you ever taken a self-care bath with peppermint oil?  It can feel like you are submerged in icy-hot due to the menthol found in peppermint.  Although the entire body soak is a bit intense, a cold-water foot soak with peppermint oil will do wonders, especially since there are pressure points in your feet.  You can also apply peppermint oil directly to the wrists, neck and temples. Or make yourself an iced cold peppermint tea. So many ways to use this glorious oil.

Stay cool, friends.  



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